Total Commander for Android plugins

FTP Plugin 2.47 (2024-02-20):
File transfer protocol: Also supports SSL-encrypted connections (Needs Android 2.3 or newer)
Download+Install (459 kBytes)

Drive Plugin 2.40 (2024-06-04):
Note: This plugin needs the Google Play Store and Google Play services to work. You also need to have one or more GMail accounts activated on the device, because authentication is performed by Google Play services, not by the plugin.
Download+Install (630 kBytes)

LAN (Windows network) Plugin 3.50 (2023-12-10):
SMB connection to Windows hosts - in case of connection problems, try using the numeric IP address instead of the computer name!
Download+Install (714 kBytes)

SFTP (Secure FTP over SSH) Plugin 2.90 (2023-12-08):
Secure FTP connection to SFTP servers. Note: FTPS (FTP over SSL) is supported by the FTP plugin above!
Download+Install (2.08 MBytes)

TotalDrip Plugin 1.11 (2023-03-14):
Allows to access one or more Dropbox accounts. Needs Android 4.0 or newer due to the used Dropbox libraries.
Download+Install (372 kBytes)

WebDAV (Network Folders) Plugin 3.70 (2024-01-08):
HTTP/HTTPS connection to WebDAV servers like
Note: This version requires Android 2.3 or newer.
It now uses the OkHttp client, but can be switched to the old ApacheClient in case of problems
Download+Install (779 kBytes)

Android Wifi transfer plugin v4.4 (2024-07-10):
This plugin allows to send files from one Android device to another, as well as to any other system with a Web browser! Uses the ZXing QR-Code library.
Download+Install (740 kBytes)

Windows Live OneDrive Plugin 2.60 (2023-12-11):
Note: Needs Android 4.0 or newer due to the used Microsoft libraries. You also need a Windows Live account to access your OneDrive. Multiple accounts are supported.
Download+Install (428 kBytes)